2023. The effect of cognitive load on preference and intensity processing of sweet taste in the brain.  Appetite 188:106630
,2022. Daily distracted consumption patterns and their relationship with BMI.  Appetite 176:106136
,2021. Associations between ghrelin and leptin and neural food cue reactivity in a fasted and sated state.  Neuroimage 240:118374
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,2019. Development and body mass inversely affect children's brain activation in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during food choice.  Neuroimage 201:116016
,2018. Effects of hunger state on the brain responses to food cues across the life span.  Neuroimage 171:246-255
,2017. Considering healthiness promotes healthier choices but modulates medial prefrontal cortex differently in children compared with adults.  Neuroimage 159:325-333
,2016. Developmental differences in the brain response to unhealthy food cues: an fMRI study of children and adults.  Am J Clin Nutr 104(6):1515-1522
,2016. Associations between neural correlates of visual stimulus processing and set-shifting in ill and recovered women with anorexia nervosa.  Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging 255:35-42
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,2014. The effectiveness of cognitive remediation therapy in patients with a severe or enduring eating disorder: a randomized controlled trial.  Psychother Psychosom 83(1):29-36
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